hearing test

Boosting Hearing Health: The Expertise and Experience That Define Us

Boosting Hearing Health: The Expertise and Experience That Define Us

In the dynamic landscape of hearing health, the difference between adequate care and exceptional service lies in the expertise and experience of the professionals delivering it. At Falls of Sound, we take pride in boasting a team of highly qualified hearing care professionals whose collective knowledge and skills contribute to a level of service that […]

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Your Unique Path to Better Hearing

Personalised Care in Hearing Health: Your Unique Path to Better Hearing

At Falls of Sound, we understand that hearing health is a deeply personal journey unique to each individual. Our commitment extends beyond the conventional, offering a level of personalised care that sets us apart in the realm of hearing clinics. Why Personalised Care Matters: Every Ear is Unique: No two sets of ears are alike,

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Hearing health across the ages

Hearing health across the ages

A common stigma associated with hearing loss is that losing your hearing means you are old. After all, presbycusis – age-related hearing loss – is very common from about 65 years old. But a hearing loss can manifest in all sorts of ways and therefore at any age. So what does a hearing loss like

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Hearing Awareness Week 2023.

The 27th of February to the 3rd of March 2023 marks Hearing Awareness week this year. This is a week dedicated to promoting awareness and research on hearing loss, and assistance to the hearing impaired. It is also highlighted by World Hearing Day on the 3rd of March every year. This year’s theme is “Ear

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Hearing loss and your brain health

Hearing Loss and Your Brain Health

A common misconception about hearing loss is that it only affects communication and your social life. And for sure, by not hearing everything, you struggle with speech clarity and therefore communicating with people. But that’s not where it ends. Your hearing is linked to your balance, for example. It’s even an important sense we use

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Meniere's Disease

Meniere’s disease and hearing.

When thinking about ears, the first idea that comes to mind is, of course, one’s hearing. However, your ears serve more purposes than just letting you hear what’s around you. For example, your ears are an essential part of dealing with changes in pressure. And, as many people are aware, ears are also a crucial

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Hearing awareness

Hearing awareness 2022

The first week of March marks hearing awareness week. This week highlights the hearing impairment issues, so many Australians face every day. It aims to help improve the daily lives of those impacted by hearing loss and raise awareness for everyone. The hearing awareness week is highlighted by World Hearing Day on the 3rd of

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Is my hearing covered?

Is my hearing covered?

There are a great many factors involved in figuring out how much a hearing test or even hearing aids cost. While Medicare does not cover hearing health, there are a number of other avenues to consider. Which health insurance can help? Are children’s hearing tests free? Seniors discounts? More often than not, you might even

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Signia AX

Signia AX is an amazing new platform.

The Signia product development department this year keeps surprising everyone, with a new technology platform launched. The Augmented Xperience (AX) platform is the brand new approach to Signia hearing, building on their existing Xperience platform. It is currently available for the Pure Charge N Go models and is expected to roll out further soon. So

Signia AX is an amazing new platform. Read More »

Tinnitus consultation ringing in the ears

Tinnitus Workshop

Top 10 Tweets on Tinnitus, the workshop you do not want to miss! We are very excited to present our first Tinnitus workshop. This community orientated interactive and informative FREE workshop is a must for you and your partner. Causes of Tinnitus Is Tinnitus a sign of underlying illness? Taking control of Tinnitus Tinnitus treatment

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