hearing loss

Nick Parkyn

Farewell Nick

  In life whether it is personal or business there are bittersweet moments. On November 30th the team here at ‘Falls of Sound’ will experience one such event. The audiologist at our Indooroopilly hearing clinic, Nick Parkyn, will be leaving us to move on to greener pastures. Nick first came to work with us in

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Diet affect Your Hearing

Can Your Diet Affect Your Hearing?

The answer to the above question is a resounding yes. Your diet can certainly impact your hearing. While being overweight has been found to be detrimental to your hearing, the connection between hearing and nutrition goes much deeper. Eating foods rich in the proper vitamins and minerals is a great way to minimize your hearing

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loss hearing

Why Do We Lose Our Hearing?

There are many possible reasons why people develop hearing loss. Environmental noise is a major contributor. Some loss of hearing is a natural part of growing older and some medications and medical problems can also be contributing factors to hearing issues. Induced hearing loss Induced hearing loss can be the result of exposure to sustained

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Surfer’s Ear in Winter?

Surfer’s Ear or Exostosis, as it is technically referred to, is a very misunderstood condition. It gets its common name from the fact that surfers are the group that is most often affected by it. Because of that, most people assume that it is caused by summer time activities but that is far from the

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Fireworks New Year

Here Come Fireworks…

With New Year’s just around the corner, firework season is almost upon us and, there are a few things you may want to consider before attending a fireworks display. The astounding bang and glittery sparks produced by fireworks is an exhilarating experience, but the sound pressure could damage your hearing – unless you wear ear

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Falls Of Sound Client Review Video

“Ladies and Gentleman may I introduce our very first home made Client Review Video” Woohoo so proud of this production, our clients, our team and the results we’ve achieve! One picture is worth a thousand words so they say. Filming this video, talking to our clients and partners, submerged in quality and fantastic service was

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Tinnitus consultation ringing in the ears

Tinnitus Workshop

Top 10 Tweets on Tinnitus, the workshop you do not want to miss! We are very excited to present our first Tinnitus workshop. This community orientated interactive and informative FREE workshop is a must for you and your partner. Causes of Tinnitus Is Tinnitus a sign of underlying illness? Taking control of Tinnitus Tinnitus treatment

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Never Give Up

Don’t Give Up On Hearing

Mr. P was a client who didn’t regularly use his hearing aids. It wasn’t all his fault, though. They were over 5 years old and very sensitive to moisture. He is on medication that causes him to sweat and he constantly had to have his hearing aids repaired. As you can imagine, this was very

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