Kids Hearing Loss

Helping Kids Cope with Hearing Loss.

One of the hardest jobs in the world is being a parent. Being responsible for a tiny person’s mental, physical and emotional well being and development is a joyous burden. If you are the parent of a hearing-impaired child the joys are in no way diminished. That isn’t to say though that it doesn’t present its own set of challenges.

Both the parents and the children themselves will face social and developmental issues beyond those of the average family. For the parents, this can cause emotional conflict but at least you have the benefit of life experience and maturity. The child must look to those around them to find their stability in.

That is why the Team at ‘Falls of Sound’ would like to offer to offer you a few pointers on helping children cope with hearing loss.

Test early

The single best thing you can do is to have your child’s hearing tested as early as possible. Your babies hearing should have been screened before it left the hospital. If it wasn’t, schedule an appointment with an audiologist as soon as possible. The sooner the type and degree of hearing loss your child has been determined the sooner treatment options can be discussed and they can receive help.

Make hearing aids fun

If it is determined your child needs hearing aids, try to make them fun. Coloured earmolds, funky ear wraps and cute clothing clips turn hearing aids into a fashion accessory instead of boring devices.

Don’t lower expectation

Hearing impaired children are just as capable as any other child. While their condition may mean they learn in different ways, it doesn’t mean they are deficient in any way. Strive make them realize that everyone is different in some way and their hearing is what makes them special.

Interact as much as possible

Especially at a young age, only a small part of human communication involves actual speech. Interact with your child as much as possible including holding, touching and smiling. Be aware of nonverbal cues they may use or react to. This can help alleviate some of the feelings of isolation hearing impaired children often feel.

The child test age at Falls of Sound starts at 6 years of age. Babies usually get their hearing tested in hospital. Please contact our Team with any questions and directions you may need.


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