earwax removal

What is Earwax Build-up and is it a Problem?

Earwax is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it is a natural part of our body’s strategies to protect itself. Earwax is secreted by glands in the ear canal. It acts as a kind of trap to protect the inner parts of the ear from contaminants and moister. As it gets dirty it migrates out of the ear and is naturally shed. That is how it is supposed to work anyway.

For many people, earwax build-up can be an issue. Some people, especially those whose ancestors came from colder climates, natural produce excess earwax or dry, hard earwax. Other possible causes of ear wax build-up are:

  • Narrow or hairy ear canals
  • Bony growths in the outer ear
  • Age, as earwax becomes drier with advancing years
  • Regularly wearing earplugs or hearing aids

Possible symptoms of earwax build-up are:

  • Earache
  • Hearing loss
  • Tinnitus
  • Vertigo
  • Reoccurring ear infections

For most people, ear wax build-up is a minor problem but there are those for whom it is a chronic problem. If it is causing you issues, you should seek professional assistance. You should never attempt to remove earwax with your fingers, cotton buds or any other objects. The most likely outcome of doing so will be you pushing the wax deeper into your ear. This can create further blockages that are even harder to remove. Even worse, if you use a hard object such as a bobby pin or a car key, it can result in irreparable damage to your hearing.

Recently our Audiology team was accredited an ear wax removal certification. This enables our clinicians to remove wax by suction with no water needed. It’s a fast and painless procedure that will leave you hearing much better. Just contact a ‘Falls of Sound Hearing Solutions Centre‘ near you. Our Team will be happy to assist you.

For more information please contact us on 07 3378 5999 for Brisbane and 07 5443 8993 for the Sunshine Coast or submit your enquiry below.

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