Living with hearing loss

Living with hearing loss

Hearing loss affects more than just hearing. This particular sense affects a lot of your daily life and if left untreated, can become an emotional burden. And poor hearing doesn’t just affect you as a person; it also affects your community and loved ones. We see it at Falls of Sound all the time. 


For the person affected, it can cause embarrassment and loss of confidence. Constantly needing to ask people to repeat themselves becomes a hassle, and many stop doing so. This can lead to isolating oneself from people, withdrawing from conversations and feeling left out. In other cases, people become reliant on others to help communicate, which can cause frustration to both parties. Hearing loss can wear you out, with different senses doing overtime.

The loved ones around you.

On the other hand, loved ones also find themselves struggling when someone has a hearing loss. It can become overwhelming to be repeating oneself or, worse, feel like the other person is not listening. They may put off certain activities, like the theatre or parties, to avoid awkward noise situations. They are also feeling exhausted after a day of trying to communicate. None of this is conducive to healthy emotional wellbeing. 

A solution.

Naturally, hearing aids can make a substantial difference to this kind of situation. But many people choose not to look at getting hearing devices and to continue with the difficulties. Reasons can range from stigma to price or even just hassle and can be challenging to discuss. So here are some points to consider if this situation sounds very familiar to you:  

  • Wearing hearing devices does not make you old or handicapped. Sometimes we just need to help our bodies to perform to the best of their ability. If you still are feeling hesitant about it, many devices are designed to address this stigma. Models come in all shapes and sizes, including customisable in-the-ear options which hide away inside your ear canal. One brand new model is even designed to look exactly like wireless earbuds and thus go completely incognito. 
  • If the resistance comes from price, remember hearing aids are a long term investment. We estimate a life expectancy of about 5 years for devices, which can be extended with good care. If you receive a government pension, you may also be entitled to fully or partially subsidised devices. You may also be eligible for some compensation from your private health insurance, depending on your coverage. Furthermore, Falls of Sound can offer payment plans, allowing monthly payments of hearing devices rather than one lump sum.
  • Sometimes negativity comes more from the perceived hassle of devices, wearing and maintaining them. Hearing aids have a long history of being bulky, cumbersome things, but not anymore! Today hearing aids require little more maintenance than glasses do. Most devices can now come in rechargeable models, meaning no more battery changes. Just place them in the charger overnight, pick them up in the morning and voila! You may sometimes need to give them a quick clean, but this is no more than any other self-maintenance task. 

The difference hearing aids can make to your daily life is immeasurable. Being able to hear correctly again makes a significant difference to your mental wellbeing and interaction with others. The best thing to do is to trial some devices and see how you go. Maybe it won’t feel like enough of a difference. Maybe you won’t be ready yet. Or maybe, just maybe, you will feel the difference instantly and wonder how you ever lived without. 


From living with hearing loss to hearing enough to live! The team is more than happy to help and start your hearing healing journey together. 

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