15 years Falls of Sound

15 Years Falls of Sound.

They say that time flies when you’re having fun. Here at ‘Falls of Sound Hearing Solutions’, we believe it must be true. To be honest, it came as a bit of a shock to realize that we were less than a month away from our 15th anniversary. It seems that it was just moments ago that Katia was trying to decide on whether to give up the security of her job with Siemens Hearing Instruments and strike out on her own.

Siemens had brought her to Australia to train audiologists in the technology and fitting of hearing aids. She enjoyed the work and loved the country and as can be imagined, the constant travelling teaching classes and giving seminars made it difficult to enjoy any type of family life. Besides which she missed the joys that the clinical side of her job once brought. The personal touch of helping clients one on one.

After much soul-searching, she opened Falls of Sound in Indooroopilly in 2004. It can be said that it was an immediate success. Starting any business from scratch is hard work and by making sure that every client received an outstanding experience in their “journey to better hearing” the business grew quickly.

Click here to read our very first newsletter.

By 2011 our success was growing steadily and it was decided that it was time to expand. Katia loved the challenge of building from the ground up so she turned the reins of the Brisbane clinic over to Sanja, one of our audiologists. Katia moved her family to the Sunshine Coast and opened a second Falls of Sound there in April of that year. That was 8 years ago.

Along the way, there have been many joyous moments and a few very sad ones. We have seen the passing of dear friends and made many more. It has all been a wonderful journey, one we will continue.

What the future might hold remains to be seen. We have every intention of continuing to serve the communities that have done so much to support us. Continue to stay independent, local, learning and offering the latest our field has to offer. Most of all we are thankful to all of you who have given so much to our family.

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